
Alexandre Schiller

Alexandre Schiller |


Academic Background

Masters in Law (focus of study: Regulatory Law) at Fundação Getulio Vargas do Rio de Janeiro (FGV-Rio) (2019);

Specialization in Tax Law at Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários do Rio de Janeiro (IBET-RJ), 2010;

Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) at Pontifical Catholic University – Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), 2008.



Professional experience

  • For more than a decade, he was part of a renowned law firm in Rio de Janeiro, specializing in judicial litigation, working in complex civil cases, as well as public, tax, and regulatory lawsuits.
  • For four years, he also worked in a law firm specialized in complex patent litigation, assisting in the development of litigation strategies in matters from several fields, as pharmacy, telecommunication and maritime.
  • He has extensive experience in civil and business disputes, having represented national and foreign clients in strategic discussions of regulatory issues, related to energy, telecommunications, oil and gas, mining, also acting in administrative proceedings before government bodies at the federal, state, and local levels.

Academic Production

  • Author of the master's thesis “Road, Interstate and International Passenger Transport System in Brazil: competition, government failures and regulatory reflexes” (Rio de Janeiro Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas. 2019).
  • Co-author of the article “Criminal and regulatory aspects of the sale of medicines without registration” (UFSM Law Course Electronic Journal, v. 14, p. 1-33, 2019).
  • Author of the article “The new authorization model of Law n. 12,996/2014 and its effects on the interstate and international passenger road transport sector” (Digital Journal of Administrative Law, V. 5 n.2, 151-179, 2018).
  • Co-author of the article “Judicial review of the omission of Regulatory Agencies in the duty to decide: an empirical research” (Revista Direito Público - RDU. v. 15 n. 83, p. 72-101, 2018).
  • Author of the article “Public Development: regulatory control and federative issues. In: Sergio Guerra” (in the work Theory of the Regulatory State Volume III. 1 ed. Curitiba: Juruá, v. 3, p. 95-126, 2017).
  • Co-author of the article “The collection of value-added tax (ICMS) on the subsidy transferred by the Union to the Energy Utily Distributors” (In: Fábio Amorim da Rocha. (Org.). Relevant Issues in Electric Energy Law. Rio de Janeiro: Synergia, v. VI, p. 29-59, 2017).
  • Co-author of the article “Lack of adequate tax incentives for the energy distributed generation”, published in Jota on 02.22.2018.
  • Co-author of the article “Energy overcontracting - Some reflections on recent regulation”, published on Canal Energia on 08.15.2016.


  • Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro.


Análise Advocacia (2021): Recognized as one of the most admired lawyers, with an emphasis on his performance in the steel and mining sector. Considered a reference among professionals in Rio de Janeiro.