
Marcelo Dickstein

Marcelo Dickstein |


Academic Background

Master’s Degree in Civil Law, Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), 2014.

Postgraduate Degree in Constitutional Civil Law, Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), 2011.

Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), 2008.


English and Italian

Professional experience

  • For over 15 years, was part of a renowned law firm specializing in litigation and arbitration, as an associate and partner.
  • Acts in relevant legal disputes, especially before the Courts of Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and in the Superior Courts, as well as in arbitrations in the most important arbitration institutions in the country.
  • Has extensive experience in civil and corporate disputes, representing domestic and international clients in a variety of economic sectors, including energy, oil & gas, chemicals, banking, steel, real estate, construction, pharmaceuticals and shopping centers.
  • Lecturer at the School for Judges of the State of Rio de Janeiro (EMERJ).
  • Coordinator of the Superior Advocacy School (ESA-RJ).

Academic Production

  • Author of the book “A Boa-fé Objetiva na Modificação Tácita da Relação Jurídica: Surrectio and Suppressio” ("The Objective Good Faith in the Tacit Modification of the Legal Relationship: Surrectio and Suppressio”), Lumen Juris, 2010.
  • Author of the book “Nulidades Prescrevem? Uma Perspectiva Funcional da Invalidade” (“Nullities are subject to statutes of limitations? A functional perspective of invalidity”), Lumen Juris, 2015.
  • Co-author of the book “Processo Societário III”, having contributed to the article “Arbitragem e Recuperação Judicial: Interseções e Controvérsias”, Quartier Latin, 2018.
  • Co-author of the book “Inexecução das Obrigações: Pressupostos, Evolução e Remédios, Volume II”, having contributed to the article “Contrato de compra e venda de energia elétrica: A invocação de força maior como justificativa à inexecução da obrigação de pagar pelo consumidor livre”, Editora Processo, 2021.
  • Author of the article “As funções da boa-fé objetiva e a proibição de comportamento contraditório”, published in the Journal of Law of the Rio de Janeiro State Court of Appeals, No. 87, April/June 2011, Rio de Janeiro, pp. 83-111.
  • Author of the article “A nulidade e o venire contra factum proprium na jurisprudência do Superior Tribunal de Justiça”, published in - Revista Eletrônica de Direito Civil, a.3, n.2, 2014, p. 1-31.
  • Co-author of the article “Negócio jurídico processual e exceção de arbitragem – a solução contratual”, published in Migalhas, 09.28.2018.


  • Member of the Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo Chapters.
  • Member of the Brazilian Civil Law Institute (IBDCivil).
  • Member of the Civil Law Commission of the Brazilian Bar Association – Rio de Janeiro.
  • Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee – CBAr.
  • Member of the Law and Commercial Practice Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce – ICC.


Chambers and Partners (2021 and 2022): recognized in the rankings (i) Dispute Resolution: Litigation in 2021 (ii) Contentious in 2022 (iii) Global in 2022 and (iv) Dispute Resolution (Regions): Rio de Janeiro in 2022.

Análise Advocacia (2020 and 2021): Recognized as one of the most admired lawyers in different areas, including arbitration and civil, with an emphasis on his performance in the energy, chemical and petrochemical sectors. Considered a reference among professionals in Rio de Janeiro.