The team has a solid professional background in complex and strategic disputes involving several different sectors, such as energy, corporate, chemical, patents, oil and gas, steel, real estate, banking, construction, shopping centers, judicial recovery and bankruptcy.

The firm’s activities in the litigation area involve the representation of its clients, both domestic and foreign, before courts in the country in all levels of jurisdiction, including superior courts.

Dickstein Advogados’ lawyers have also broad experience in domestic and international arbitration before the most prestigious Brazilian and foreign arbitral institutions, such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Centre for Arbitration and Mediation of the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce (CAM-CCBC), the Brazilian Centre of Mediation and Arbitration (CBMA), the FGV Chamber of Mediation and Arbitration and Chamber of Conciliation and the Market Arbitration Chamber (CAM), among others. It also acts in ad hoc arbitrations under the rules, e.g., of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law – UNCITRAL.

The team also has expertise in the recognition of foreign arbitral awards before the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), in addition to assisting its clients in the negotiation and drafting of arbitration agreements.


The team has broad experience in analysis and structuring of different types of real estate contracts, such as construction, development, fiduciary alienation, lease, condominiums, rental lawsuits and shopping centers.

The law firm also provides legal assistance in auctions both judicial or extrajudicial.


Qualified consultancy in the various stages of the negotiation process of commercial transactions, assisting in the drafts, contracts, memorandum of understanding, various documents, and public deeds.


Assistance in the judicial and extrajudicial credit recovery, based on strategic solutions that consider the nature of the credit and the identification of the debtor's assets.